
Welcome to Tanglee’s blog. You may also encounter some of my other nicknames, such as tl2cents, IcingMoon.

I aim to publish more content in English. If you find any errors or have suggestions, please feel free to contact me via email or through other social media platforms (tl2cents on discord).

CTF Stuff

I am a CTF player, primarily focusing on cryptography and blockchain. I represent Never Stop Exploiting (abbreviated as NeSE) in most international CTF competitions. Previous writeups of mine can be found on tl2cents’s blog—most of which are written in Chinese. I am considering migrating some of these write-ups here if I have time.

Edu. & Research

I got my bachelor’s degree in Information Security from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) between 2018 and 2022.

Currently, I am a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Information Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. My research interests include zero-knowledge proofs, blockchain security, and applied cryptography. My main research focus is on zk-SNARKs and their applications in blockchain technology.


Previously, I was enthusiastic about Genshin Impact, and my favorite character is Yoimiya. At present, I dedicate more time to programming and reading. Still, I play some games occasionally including Maj-soul, Palworld, and Genshin Impact.

More about some favorites

Friends’ and some awesome blogs I follow.

Some links for crypto stuff:

Resources/blogs for zkp & blockchain: