
Reed-Solomon code in McEliece and Niederreiter

概要: 介绍 Generalized Reed-Solomon Code(GRS),McEliece 和 Niederreiter 加密算法。GRS 虽然是非常高效的线性编码,但是在标准的 McEliece 中使用了 Goppa Code,而不是更简单高效的 GRS 编码,是因为 GRS 编码在上述两个密码体制中存在安全性问题,即 Sidelnikov-Shestakov attack。本篇博客是对 GRS 线性编码和其相关攻击的简单介绍。

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R3CTF 2024 Crypto Writeup

tl;dr: Writeups for R3CTF 2024 including challenges r0,1,2system and TinySeal and SPARROW. Amazing challenges about: poly-nonce attack of ECDSA, BFV fully homomorphic encryption and linearization of symmetric cipher.

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Geekcon CTF 2024 Writeup

tl;dr: Writeups for Geekcon CTF 2024 including challenges ZkMaze and all “real” crypto challenges. I ended up in 10th place and really appreciated the challenges. The topics related to the crypto challenges are HNP, RSA and bilinear map.

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